- The UN Global Compact provides guidelines and tools for incorporating compliance and integrity in companies and in anti-corruption efforts.
- International ISO standards: ISO 19600: 2015 Compliance management systems – Guidelines; ISO 31000: 2018 – Risk management guidelines; The 7-step plan from this standard and 11 referential principles for introducing a risk assessment model under this standard; 37001: Anti-Bribery Management System
- OECD – Key documents in business compliance and integrity. - International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) – guidelines for responsible business. This organisation promotes responsible business practices as key in developing good governance systems, so that they attract investors, improve the management of supply chains and retain talent.
- Corporate Governance Code for Publically Listed Companies
- Slovenian Corporate Integrity Guidelines, which are supposed to contribute in advancing of integrity in business practices and promoting lawful and ethical operations in as many Slovenian companies as possible.
- A Resource Guide to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”). The document explains the US anti-corruption regulations, including their extraterritorial application, which is also becoming increasingly relevant for Slovenian and other European companies. It includes numerous examples related to legal aspects and development of an effective compliance programme. The FCPA is the first, best developed and most established anti-corruption document in the world, and as such is considered as the key source for determining the international standard for compliance in the area of anti-corruption.
- The Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programmes is a guide for evaluating the effectiveness of compliance programmes through characteristic questions, which has been published by the US Department of Justice for its officials. It is considered to be one of the best tools also for the (self-)evaluation and development of effective compliance programmes in companies.
- Anti-corruption Manual and Tools for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). Among other things, the manual allows access to the C-Detector ( web tool for self-evaluation of corruption risks, created for supporting the micro and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) which operate in Europe in the implementation of appropriate measures for preventing and combating corruption.